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from the brain


okay today. it was warmer than usual. by "warmer" i mean it was like 30 or 40 degrees instead of 10. it was the last day of the semester so we didnt do a lot in my classes- mostly finishing things up or giving people who needed to time to reassess on things. caught up on the story my friend is writing. planning out a comic in my head. drew stuff unrelated to said comic. my family went out to eat after i got home and once we left the restaurant i didnt feel ungodly nauseous. i cannot remember the last time that happened.

my drama teacher hasnt put in the grade for our sword fight thing and it is making me so anxious. i am at a c- right now and that assignment was worth like 40 points if i failed that then i am probably also failing that class

ive been sleeping like shit and the other day i convinced myself that there is some kind of rodent in my room despite not hearing or seeing anything and also thinking its stupid and it is absolutely not helping me. tried taking benedryl last night to help but it didnt really do anything. id try melatonin but we dont have that and every time ive taken melatonin it didnt so shit so i think im just destined to be tired all the time

i always get so weird and anxious about putting or saying things online ive been staring at this entry for like 5 minutes and ive rewritten it 3 times. i made a file for an art page and ive been too scared to put anything on it. debating on deleting several accounts because im getting too much attention on them. why am i like this i used to be able to be online and be Normal about it what happened


fighting the urge to write 24 instead of 25 so bad. it doesnt feel like too much has been happening lately. the semester is ending so in all of my classes were just finishing stuff up. kinda sad that im leaving my web design class, but i have 2 art classes next semester so thats cool. its been too cold to go anywhere or even go on a short walk so i havent had the chance to really take photos. still thinking about making an art page.

for our final thingy in my drama class we had to put together a scene with stage fighting/sword fighting. when me and my partner were practicing today we were doing pretty well and had the moves down for the most part, but once we had to present it both of us forgot everything we were supposed to do. i tried improvising and making shit up but they froze up and the teacher just told us to do the final few moves and go sit down. scared for my grade.

not much else to say really. ive been listening to a lot of strawberry switchblade recently


i want to start writing here, just about whatever. today for one of my classes we had to go perform puppet shows we had previously put together for kids at a daycare. i felt kinda nervous cause the groups from the other class were there too and my group had to go first but it turned out okay i think. i wasnt loud enough so im not sure the kids heard me that well. i had to miss the majority of my 2nd hour and also a test, it was okay cause i ended up taking it later. got a decent score. started messing around with javascript. it was really cold when i was waiting for the bus today. i feel dizzy


deleted old entries cause i uhhh got embarrassed. anyway, in the process of fixing up site stuff yayy :9 the photography page is back but its kinda. weird. because i dont actually know how to code. i can work on it more later. layout of This is also less weird.

forever wanting to delete things and start over.. urgh. cant do that cause then i end up regretting it later when i get sad and nostalgic over it. whatever i'll just change things until im happy and then change it again when i start to hate it