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stray thoughts

9.21.24- currently taking a web design class hoping this well help me make my code less fucked and easier to look at.. you know theres a problem when you cant find shit in the code you typed.. anyway expect an actual update outside of this page before 2025 if that doesnt happen everyone following this site is allowed to kill me

8.28.24- monthly update hi. currently cannot access my laptop (middle of night)(makes very loud repetitive beeping when turned on) but i do have pictures. i went to wander around town w friends a while ago so theres something kinda different. planning to give the ramblings page a different format czz i dont like how it is.

7.25.24- feeling like i should update again. i havent in a month. i havent been going on walks or anything so no actual recent pictures to upload. there are some from june i think? that i could upload but i cant be bothered. this feels kinda vent-y sorry. all ive been doing is just kinda sitting around and drawing, nothing else really. i think this site might end up as one of my project things i forget about(

6.17.24- felt like i should type here. havent in a while. might make a blog of some sort on here just to keep the site more active. havent rlly been doing a lot recently,, school is out for now so it feels like i should be doing more but im kinda just doing nothing all day. idk. i might fix up my code on here later so it isnt awful updating things.

4.28.24- have been kinda ignoring this. lots of photos since the last update, will attempt to upload them over a couple of days. nothings really keeping me busy im just lazy.

3.21.24- has been too cold so i havent really been able to go and take pictures. i still have some from like last week that i didnt upload

3.10.24- finally finished homestuck. i think i only processed like half of what happened

it's been nice out recently, might go on a walk tomorrow

3.03.24- desperately trying to turn this site into something i can be proud of,, it is not quite working. i think ill have to clear the updates box to do that and i am too lazy to do that

first day in a while that i've felt like a person and not some sort of creature

3.02.24- if anyone points out how off the pictures are in the container things i think ill cry

1.13.24- nervous young inhumans 2011 is going to kill me

1.12.24- had a dream last night that i finally cut bangs maybe it was a sign. in said dream i was also having issues with them after so idk maybe i should cut my hair anyway i've been wanting to. afraid of fucking it up though